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How to fit the Solo harness to your Solo 442Li Sprayer

  This quick Solo Sprayers walkthrough will show you the very simple steps you can take to install your Solo 422Li Battery Sprayer harness. Please reach out to us if you have any further questions.    

How to replace a Solo 417Li Battery Sprayer power switch

  This quick Solo Sprayers walkthrough will show you the very simple steps you can take to access your Solo 18L 417Li Battery Sprayer power switch, and how to replace one. Please reach out to us if you have any further questions.    

How to fit the Solo heavy duty harness to your Solo 475 or 425 Sprayer

  Enjoy this quick how to video that details how to fit the Solo heavy duty harness to your Solo 475 Sprayer or Solo 425 Sprayer. If you need any further help, please contact us straight away.    

How to fit a Solo Harness to your Sprayer

  Today, let’s take a closer look at the simple steps you can take, to best fit your new harness to your Solo Sprayer. Please follow the instructions detailed in the video below.  

Our guide to buying Solo Spare Parts online

  Purchasing spare parts on our website is certainly the easiest way to get your sprayer back up and running at optimal capacity. Unfortunately, we often receive questions about how to navigate through our website and spare parts search engine, to correctly find the right spare part for your sprayer. That’s why we’ve put together […]

How to Disassemble, Repair and Maintain a Solo Diaphragm Pump Backpack Sprayer

In this video, we’ll share how to disassemble, repair and maintain a Solo Diaphragm Pump sprayer using the repair kit.

Piston or Diaphragm Pump Backpack Sprayer? Which is better?

Are you considering purchasing a backpack sprayer? Today’s sprayers have an abundance of options that can be a bit overwhelming if you do not know what you are looking for.  Taking the time to think ahead of the many ways you plan to use your sprayer will help you get the best piece of equipment […]

What are some general tips you’d give me to keep my Solo Sprayer in top condition?

There are some general steps you can take to ensure your Solo is maintained correctly. These tips also apply to our whole range! Release any pressure, drain, and rinse the sprayer after each use. Storing the sprayer under pressure causes the pressure cylinder to fill with solution, resulting in poor sprayer performance. Seals will dry […]

What can I do to make sure my Solo 424 Backpack Sprayer is maintained properly?

With every sprayer, the first step to maintenance is to remove the lid and the micron filter basket. This is used to filter the chemicals you are often applying to your sprayer, filtering out all the fine debris before they enter your system. Remove this basket, give it a rinse out with some clean water […]

How do I maintain my sprayer wand and trigger?

Leaving certain parts of your wand unattended for a long period of time can be bad for your sprayer. Specifically, if we were to look at the on-off handle of the wand, chemicals left within this section can strip the lubricant around the O-Rings, resulting in wear and tear. To maintain this section every couple […]

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