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What are some general tips you’d give me to keep my Solo Sprayer in top condition?

There are some general steps you can take to ensure your Solo is maintained correctly. These tips also apply to our whole range!

  • Release any pressure, drain, and rinse the sprayer after each use. Storing the sprayer under pressure causes the pressure cylinder to fill with solution, resulting in poor sprayer performance. Seals will dry out due to age and regular exposure to pesticides; however, prolonged exposure because chemicals are left in the sprayer greatly decreases their lifespan.
  • When cleaning the sprayer, do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents. A mild soap and warm water will work. To neutralize any chemical residue left in the tank, follow the instructions of the pesticide manufacturer.
  • Regularly lubricate the collar, cylinder, piston, and cap gasket with either Solo Superior Grease or petroleum jelly. Do NOT use oil.
  • Before winter, fully drain the tank, pressure cylinder and hose. Store with the shut-off valve locked in the open position to prevent damage from freezing.

Do not put any acid, caustic or flammable chemicals in the sprayer.