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What can I do to make sure my Solo 424 Backpack Sprayer is maintained properly?

With every sprayer, the first step to maintenance is to remove the lid and the micron filter basket. This is used to filter the chemicals you are often applying to your sprayer, filtering out all the fine debris before they enter your system. Remove this basket, give it a rinse out with some clean water and set it aside.

Flush the system…

The next step is to flush any leftover chemicals and residue out of the system before storing it away. Empty any chemicals within the system, apply the filter back to the system, then add approximately 1 litre of clean water inside the sprayer. The next thing we must do is flush the clean water through the system. Operate the sprayer until the litre of clean water has passed through the sprayer and once empty, add another litre and start the process again. This stops chemicals from crystalizing within your sprayer and will extend the life of your sprayer dramatically.

How to repair, if damage has been caused…

If your Solo Nova 424 needs to be repaired for whatever reason the first step we must take is to remove the plastic, U-Shaped agitator inside the sprayer. This unclips easily and along with the lever on the outside of the sprayer, attached to the top. Removing these two elements allows us to gain access to the inner-workings of the sprayer.

Repair and lubricate O-Ring…

Next, remove the black component that has the hose running through it at the top of the sprayer. This pulls out the entire piston assembly. At the end of this piston, you will see a black O-Ring. This is the component that supplies the suction to the sprayer, therefore it needs regular maintenance. Lubricate this O-Ring with Vaseline or another type of lubricant.

Repairing the internal cylinder…

Another component that we will need to repair is the internal cylinder, which unscrews from the inside of the sprayer. This is what allows the piston to move up and down, creating pressure for the liquid within the tank. If this cylinder is allowed to dry out with crystalized chemicals, this will cause damage to the most important part of the sprayer. Clean this is out with clean water and reassemble.

For a more detailed breakdown, please watch our brilliant instructional video!